Top 10 eCommerce Plugins to Empower Your WordPress e-Store
What initially started out as a simple blogging platform, the WordPress content management system (CMS) has now become one of the most popular ecommerce website building solutions. A powerful plug-in architecture combined with ease of use has made WordPress makes it possible for literally anyone to convert an ordinary site into a fully-fledged digital shop. Neil Dutta who runs Cartridge Ink, a successful ecommerce business in the UK, talks about 10 of the hottest WP ecommerce plugins here. Here are the key takeaways from his experiments with dozens of plugins.
1. WP eCommerce
WP e-Commerce is one of the simplest, easy to use and potent WordPress ecommerce plug-ins that has a tried and tested track record. This plugin allows users to customize HTML and CSS, giving users total control over the entire over look and theme of their e-store, whether their selling physical goods, digital downloads or subscription.
2. WooCommerce
WooCommerce has been developed by at WooThemes, and is most popular and sought after WordPress plugin. The free to download ecommerce plugin is loaded with premium features, and is a versatile tool that will allow users to convert a simple WordPress site into a fast-selling ecommerce store. WooCommerce also features a special “golden collection” of free and premium themes and extensions.
3. Shopp
Arguably Wardress’s premier ecommerce plugin, Shopp has been around for a long time now and is getting better by the day by churning out smoother and versions with every release! This plugin allows users to customize their online store’s design, with minimal effort.
4. Easy Digital Downloads
Easy Digital Downloads is the lightweight among WordPress ecommerce plugins. That being said, this plugin is packed with features and is simple to setup, allowing users to sell digital downloads at no cost whatsoever. Easy Digital Downloads also features an efficient reporting system that allows users to view their earnings and sales via interactive graphs and easy to interpret data tables.
5. Ecwid
Ecwid is a WordPress ecommerce plugin that has made it big in the market because of its ability to cater to businesses that don’t want to setup a brand new website from scratch. It focuses on allowing users to integrate the Ecwid system within existing site, saving users a lot of time and effort. Ecwid also allows users to mirror their system onto multiple external websites, manage all of them via a centralized interface rather than having to switch between multiple dashboards.
6. Jigoshop
Developed by Jigowatt, Jigoshop is probably the most robust, secure and reliable WordPress ecommerce. Jigoshop’s highlights include over 30 comprehensive and highly-customizable ecommerce themes that are Best suited for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) looking to create an online store.
7. MarketPress
Developed by WordPress experts WPMU DEV, MarketPress is a well-rounded, fully-customizable and feature-packed ecommerce plug-in that focuses on providing customers a smooth and meaningful shopping and checkout experience. This plugin has the ability to enhance a customer’s experience, without the use of any add-ons or extensions.
8. iThemes Exchange
The iThemes Exchange plugin for WordPress is an intuitive, flexible and easy to use ecommerce plugin developed by the geniuses at iThemes. This plugin simplifies the product creation process, with a user-friendly interface. And unlike other plug-ins that have to create fresh database tables for customers, the Exchange plugin employs the use of a built-in WordPress user system that allows users to add customer information to their own page.
9. Cart66 Lite
Formerly PHPurchase, Cart66 Lite has been rebranded as a lightweight, yet powerful and highly-secure e-commerce solution for creating all kinds PCI compliant WordPress ecommerce stores. The highlight of Cart66 is its Mijireh Checkout system, which allows users collect and transmit credit card information to a customer’s preferred payment gateway, securely.
10. YAK
YAK or “Yet Another Kart,” is a free WordPress plugin and is a developer favorite because it allows the user to design and create products from other posts or webpages and even includes its own basic XML feed. The configurable shipping address feature is really useful and plugin’s automated order tracker, allowing customers to easily find track their orders.
Choosing an ecommerce platform is never an easy task, and with so many options to choose from, using WordPress ecommerce plugins simply boils down to individual requirements.