What’s eCommerce In The UK Like?
If there is one industry that is booming at present it is certainly e-commerce. IBISWorld predicts a compound annual growth rate of 12.1 per cent for this sector. This is music to the ears of anyone that is in the business for selling products, as they have the ability to capitalise on the opportunities e-commerce brings. All of the figures in regards to this industry make good reading. In fact, it is predicted that the e-commerce export market in the United Kingdom could more than treble by 2020. The market is currently valued at £13 billion, yet the ‘International E-commerce – The Future is Now’ study reveals that it expects the ecommerce export market to be worth £45 billion by 2020.
There are many different reasons why this industry is growing rapidly. There is no denying that online shopping has boomed over the past few years, as retail underwent a major makeover. Nonetheless, this trend is progressing as the online shopping experience improves thanks to greater security, a faster service and the proliferation of Internet-enabled devices.
At present there are 18,240 e-commerce businesses in the UK, including online auction websites. This is a figure that is increasing all of the time. These companies are responsible for the employment of over 86,000 people. The largest segment of the e-commerce industry is consumer electronics, which incorporates the likes of TVs, computers, digital cameras and MP3 players. This accounts for 23.4 percent of industry sales. Nevertheless, virtually every product you can possibly think of is available for sale via the Internet nowadays.
Competition is of course exceptionally strong when it comes to this industry. After all, in regards to your physical store you will simply be competing with those stores in close proximity. Nevertheless, when it comes to the online world you are competing with businesses on a global scale. Therefore it is imperative to do everything in your power to stand out.
There are various ways you can capitalise on the many opportunities this industry has to offer. Nonetheless, it all begins with projecting a professional image. You need people to buy into you as a brand and have trust in the products you are selling. This is especially the case when consumers are making their purchase based on what they see on a computer screen. Ensuring your website is secure is of paramount importance. Whilst online shopping is undoubtedly popular, individuals naturally have concerns regarding where they purchase their items from. You need to reassure them that your site is completely safe to use.
SEO for eCommerce
In addition to this, you of course need to perfect your online product marketing strategy. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential. This involves using various different tactics to ensure your e-store features high up on the search engine result pages. After all, it is highly unlikely that people will go past the first page. Content marketing is also another crucial tool. This will be integrated as part of your SEO strategy. Nonetheless, nowadays there is emphasis on interesting, engaging and original content. You can’t merely post articles that are simply stuffed with keywords and offer no value in terms of information. Quality content will help you to build a loyal consumer base and it will show you as experts in your field.
SEM for eCommerce
Aside from this, social media marketing is also important. From Pinterest to Facebook, you have many different options at your disposal. Don’t merely open an account on all social media platforms. Do your research concerning demographics. For example, Pinterest is mainly used by females and it is a platform for images. If this ties in with the products you sell, use it.

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