When Using Stock Photos For Web Design Works
When doing our web design works, sometimes we may need to find an image for our web designing process. That’s why we often look for Free or Premium stock photos available online. There are many websites offering this kind of service and one of our favorite is GraphicLeftOvers.com. Knowing how to find the best stock photos is very important for a professional web designer. These photos or images will enhance the quality of our web design work such as providing a breath-taking image as website header, customized buttons or icons, website’s background image, etc. Below are some of the tips you may follow when using stock photos for your web design project.
Never Use Copyrighted Images without Permission
Yes. We all know the quickest way to find an image is by going to the Google Image Search. You will find thousands of images or photos for you to use, some maybe a clean image without any copyright statement and some may have watermarked on them. Never ever use these images without the permission from the website or copyright owner, you might get yourself into a big trouble for using them on your website. Most important of all, it’s unethical to steal other people’s artwork.
Give Credits to the Original Photographer or Artwork Artist
Stock photos websites offer Free and Premium version of their stock images. For free use images, they will often ask users to create a link back to their website and give credits to the original creator. When designing a website using these free images, it’s best and ethically to provide a link to the source of the photos. This is to express our appreciation for their hard works and creativity as well as moral support for their efforts in continuous providing us high quality images for free.
Be Aware of the Images Usage Limitation
Please make sure you have read the term of usage for any photos you will be using on your website. Some stock photos provider might only allowed user to use their free images on a personal website. Some might require user to purchase an extended license if they want to use the images commercially. For example, if using an image on a website template for distribution purpose or selling it commercially.
Differentiate Between Free and Premium Stock Photos
When using a photo from stock website, it’s important for web designer to know the difference between the free and premium images to be use on their web design project. Web designer must make sure their client are well informed regarding the usage of these images on their website. Whether they agreed to provide link back for the free images or paid an extra cost to use a premium image.
Choosing a Good Stock Photos Provider or Website
There are tons of stock photos websites we can find online. When choosing the place to get our images, please make sure it is well known and reputable website because you will have a higher chance of finding the best quality photos or images on this site. A well-organized stock photos website will also have categorized images for your convenient searches.

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