Why Focus on High-Quality Content in the Face of Ever-Evolving Algorithm Updates
Let’s admit it!
When a Google or Moz update is around the corner, SEO people are the most harried lot. But, they too are hapless knowing they can only do so much in the face of so many rapid algorithm updates. No wonder, peaks, and valleys have become part and parcel of a website’s existence.
That said, there are ways to get a handle over these wild fluctuations and help your site to rank and perform well in Google’s search results, consistently.
Google’s Content-related Algorithm Updates in a Nutshell
Through ranking algorithms updates such as Penguin, Panda, and Fred, Google has made content quality a top priority. With these algorithms in place, low-quality, spammy content sites will face the brunt.
But then, Google hasn’t stopped tweaking its algorithms with these updates. Quite the contrary, the search engine giant has been continuously refining its algorithms, with the idea of providing the best results for all kinds of search queries.
So, knowing what Google wants from websites, the best way out is to elevate the quality of your content. Simply put, your site should emerge as the best source of information for users.
Focus on the Bigger Picture: Mobile-friendliness and Content aren’t Mutually Exclusive
Sure, creating high quality, authoritative content is undoubtedly an essential part of SEO strategy. But is that enough? In the face of ever-evolving algorithm updates, isn’t it necessary to look beyond content updates to rank your website in SERPs?
In hindsight, Google’s updates in 2018 focused more on setting up mobile-friendly and rapid loading sites. And, more importantly, offering secure experience to users.
So, in one sense, it’s not just the content quality, but the things mentioned above also matter. But, if you look at the bigger picture, all these must-haves could be related to content quality. For example, mobile-friendly means that it’s your content that needs to be mobile-friendly. Even rapid loading could be related to content. As in, your content should be written in such a way that it loads immediately as soon as users type in their search queries.
When it comes to secure experience, sure it involves offering credible payment getaways and other crucial aspects such as SSL encryption for login pages, using a secure host, keeping your software up-to-date and so forth. But then, even via content, such as video testimonials and more you could convince users of safe experience on your website.
Even Backlinks and Content aren’t Mutually Exclusive
Backlinks are the end-all-be-all in the web world. That’s what SEO’s say; and they are not wrong. Not long ago, Google used to give high scores to sites that had more backlinks. According to Google, websites with more backlinks meant quality sites offering quality content to users.
Put another way, Google always ranked sites by its content.
Now the question is: What about those websites with smaller backlink profiles but still performing better in SERPs than those with larger profiles? The answer: Again, content is playing a vital role here. These sites with smaller backlink profiles most likely are offering high quality, authoritative, original content over those sites that boast of a larger backlink profile but offer nothing substantial with regard to their content. Google trusts sites that provide answers to user queries and not those sites that attract links from spammy sites or private blog networks. For high-quality backlink generations, connect with the best SEO experts in the industry.
Localized Content will give you an Edge
According to Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, the main content of your page should reflect your expertise and authority in your field. Google, in turn, would accord your site with better ranks in its search results.
However, it’s easier said than done.
With gazillion sites floating around the internet these days, it’s not easy for your online brand’s voice to stand out. Enter localization. According to SEO experts, including keywords of your service area in your website content, in all probability, will increase your sites’ chances to rank higher in local searches.
No matter what, content quality ranks supreme in the eyes of Google. And Google’s guidelines are pretty much straight-forward on these aspects. Any compromise will cost you rank and traffic. So, better pull up your socks and churn out expert, quality content for your site.
Author Bio
Jennifer Warren, a Content Crafter for GoodFirms – a review and research platform for mobile app development, web development companies and more. The company publishes research reports on a time to time basis. Lately, the company also released a content marketing research report.