Bluzine is a 3 columns fluid width Magazine WordPress theme with an easy to use theme option to enable users to setup their blogs in a flash. This theme contains featured content slider, automatic post excerpt and image thumbnail creation features, adsense ready to be loop between post, widget ready sidebars and many more.
Theme Features:
- 3 Columns Fluid Width
- Featured Content Slider
- Auto Thumb And Auto Excerpt Posts
- Adsense Ready (Include Loop In Post)
- Banner Advertisement Ready (Copy & Paste Code)
- Popular Social Bookmark Ready In Post
- Thread Comment Ready
- Tested On Firefox And IE7
- Compatible With WordPress Version 2.7+ and 2.8+
- Valid XHTML And CSS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Blue, Featured Content, Fluid Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
I like your most themes and used bluzine for my site and i have tried all kind of things but featured section does not work. i have deactivated all plugins and then activated them but problem is still there as you can see.
as you said value should be “feat-img” is it should be written like this? because most other sites say that it should be called featured.
please can anybody help me????????
I can give you login for site.
Hai, Raja. Please redownload the theme and just upload the new featured.php file replacing your current one. I made some fix on the file because the “feat-img” was not working properly before. Please remain using the custom value “feat-img” (without the quotes) on the custom fields function. You should be able to insert your custom image for the featured content slider now.
Please try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.
Hi, thanks for your great theme! I wanted to know how i can customize some of the options such as the ad sense block (the vertical shareasale one), the placement of other widgets (like calendar, etc) and the fields in the social media section.
Also can you pleas tell me if its possible to change the font and if so, how?
My site is under development but you can see a sample page or two here:
Hai. You can setup those settings inside the theme options. You can choose to put adsense or CPA network banner on the sidebar banner section. The sidebars are widget ready, you can arrange them accordingly through the widget panel.
The fields in social media can be edit inside the sidebar.php. You can also change the font inside the style.css > body.
I love your themes! Great work! I have a couple of questions. How can I change the default thumbnail for each post? Also, any idea why my images are showing screwy in the featured section? I love the featured section and plan to keep it up as is but it would be even greater if the images would scale properly. Thanks again!
Hai Mike, thanks for using Bluzine theme. The first image on post will be pull to use as thumb, sometime the image pulled was automatically resize and stretch. It may looks ugly if they are stretched.
If you want to define your own image to use as thumb or image slider for the featured content, you can use the custom fields feature of the theme.
I just recently made a fix on this theme regarding the custom field values, please redownload it and just replace the index.php.
Now, you should be able to use custom field name “post-img” for the standard post thumb – recommended size 100×100. Use custom field name “feat-img” for featured content slider – recommended size 700×300, it should fill up the space on the slider.
Regarding how to use the custom fields, please refer to the readme.txt of this theme or google for it. Please let me know if you need more help using this theme. Thanks.
That sounds awesome Ronald. Thanks for quick reply. I have another question as well. A lot of my content is pulled from feeds, most of which do not contain images. For these id like to have a default image just like the original theme was using an image of three women in business suits. I realized I could just replace that image but I was hoping this image was defined somewhere. Thanks again.
Well, if you want to use your own default image for the standard post thumb, you can simply replace the 100×100.jpg inside the image folder, you must named it the same. Or if you want to name it differently, please open the functions.php, under Get Post Image, replace the 100×100.jpg with whatevername.jpg. Be sure to upload it to image folder first.
That’s all, please try it out and let me know if you need more help.
Ok… I think ill just replace the image. But another issue im having is that after enabling timthumb.php(about 2 hours ago) and having my host(hostgator) whitelist me on modsec some posts show no image at all while some are showing the 3 women. Any ideas?
Maybe it’s because of the images on your post are pulled from feed just like you said before. Unfortunately, Timthumb doesn’t seems to be able to cache image from feed. The attached images have to be on your server for Timthumb to cache them as thumbnail. Please confirm that you images are on the server and not from feeds.
Ok I see. Thanks. Is there any way to get the default image to display on the posts that have images in feeds?
Unfortunately, the theme doesn’t has that function for feeds image fetching yet.
You could try Timthumb beta test by Binary Moon:
It seems they modified the script to allow offsite image cropping…
Please read through their article carefully and try it at your own risk.
Hi Ronald,
I like your all themes and i have used this one for my site which is up and running.
There is one problem for admin of the site that your all themes need photos to write a post, if you have not got a photo then there is blank block which does not look good for a good site.
Is it possible to disable to this so if you have an image you can use it with your post but if you have not got an image then there will be no blank box.
since i started using it i am spending alot of my time to source photos first in order to use it with the post.
My question again is can we have an option to use image or not? and how it can be done.
Please help, i desperate to know as i want to use more of your themes for my other web sites.
Usually, when a post doesn’t has a attached image on it, the thumbnail function will display a default image, it wouldn’t leave any blank block on it unless you’re using syndicated feed post.
If you want to use your own default image, you can replace the 100×100.jpg inside the theme image folder, please use the same size and name of the image.
Unfortunately, the disable function is not available at the moment. I’ll try to implement it into my future themes, thanks for your suggestion.
Hello Ronald,
Thank you for your theme. I am a newcomer to the Internet.
I just try to use your theme and immediately successful.
Are you also have free themes that have a sidebar on the left and right?
Success for you.
NB: If I may ask, how did browsing the displays at the www domain?
Like your web
thanks for yur great theme. it’s work nicely few days. but now i had some problem. now it doesn’t display the post inserted image in post url. (problem in only last few posts, earlier ones are ok) why is that? help me pls.
Absolutely wonderful theme. It has all the stuff required for killer theme setup. I like it and obviously install for my upcoming domain except the current one. Thanks
Hi, thanks for your great theme! I wanted to know how i can customize some of the options such as the ad sense block (the vertical shareasale one), the placement of other widgets (like calendar, etc) and the fields in the social media section….