Browne is a 3 columns fluid width Brown WordPress theme with backend admin option for easier site setup. This theme comes with featured content slider, sidebar tabbers, widget ready, adsense ready, etc.
Theme Features:
- 3 Columns Fluid Width
- Featured Content Slider
- Auto Thumb And Auto Excerpt Posts
- Adsense Ready (Include Loop In Post)
- Banner Advertisement Ready (Copy & Paste Code)
- Popular Social Bookmark Ready In Post
- Thread Comment Ready
- Tested On Firefox And IE7
- Compatible With WordPress Version 2.7+ and 2.8+
- Valid XHTML And CSS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Brown, Featured Content, Fluid Width, Free WordPress Themes, Horizontal Navigation, Tabber, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Three Columns, Three Level Dropmenu, Twitter Ready, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
Hello! This is an excellent theme! I need help with two things. First, is there a way to put an image into the header? I really want my logo up there. Also, I am having trouble figuring out the featured content feature, how do I make a post featured? Thanks for your help!
Hai, Matt. If you want to use header logo, just open the header.php and look for the siteinfo id and delele or comment in the h1 and p tag. Then, comment out the “Uncomment To Use Your Own Logo” and adjust the HTML code for your logo accordingly.
Regarding the featured content, you have to enable it on the theme option and insert the post id you want to feature. To find out what post and its id, please go to edit posts and mouseover the post title, you’ll see the post number on the status bar, something like, hxxp:// <– Post ID That’s all. Please try it out and let me know if you have trouble using this theme again. Thanks.
Hello again! I am still having trouble with the header. I have tried several things and cannot get it to work.
Can you please show me how to put this image:×150.jpg
into your code:
<a href="” title=””>
<!– Uncomment To Use Your Own Logo
<a href="” title=” Home”><img src="/images/logo.png” alt=”” /> –>
Thank you!
OK. First of all, make sure the you deleted the code inside the siteinfo id:
Then, just below it
[!– Uncomment To Use Your Own Logo
[a href=”#” title=”#”][img src=”/images/logo.png” alt=”#” /][/a] –]
Edit it to:
[a href=”#” title=”#”][img src=”/images/logo.png” alt=”#” /][/a]
Please adjust the HTML codes properly. [ ] = < >. Ok, assume that the test image above is your logo, your logo HTML code would be:
[a href=”yourdomainurl” title=”Home”][img src=”×150.jpg” alt=”#” /][/a]
Please also make sure you created and save your logo as Transparent PNG. Try it out and let me know the result. Thanks.