DarkHive is a 2 columns fixed WordPress theme with a vibrant looking header and customized page tab navigation menu. This theme also comes with an easy to use theme options and multi function features such as featured content slider, auto thumbs and excerpt post, Adsense ready loop between posts and single pages. Besides that, DarkHive also comes ready with 125×125 advertisement blocks, Youtube video embed, Twitter and more.
Theme Features:
- 2 Columns Fixed Width
- Automatic Post Exceprt and Thumbnail
- Customized Timthumb script to enable cropping method selection
- SEO Friendly Breadcrumbs
- Adsense Ready (Loops, Single and Sidebar)
- YouTube Video Ready
- Twitter Ready
- Threaded Comments With Gravatar Enabled
- Easy To Use Theme Options
- Tested On Firefox 3+ And IE7+
- Compatible With WordPress 2.9+
- Valid XHTML And CSS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Black, Featured Content, Featured Video, Fixed Width, Free WordPress Themes, Right Sidebar, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Twitter Ready, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready, Wordpress Templates, WP Themes
I want to frame 125 x 125 banner ads as the theme DarkHive they must do? I am using theme zendpress. Please guide me how to do more. Thanks.
Hai Toan. I’ve sent you an email regarding the addon you requested. Please check and follow the instruction inside. Thanks.
Hai Ronald. After I do exactly as you say, the result is not for me
I saw the banner 125 x 125 boss turn them vertically, but I want it like this in: http://c.upanh.com/upload/2/764/Z70.6846492_1_1.jpg .I very hope your efforts. Thanks
Oh when I press F5, it was right for me. Thank you very much.
Result: http://c.upanh.com/upload/2/825/E30.6906252_1_1.jpg
Hey. Ok, so I am completely new to wordpress and I have two questions about your theme. First, how exactly can I get the image slider to work with the photos? I am using Safari as my browser, would this affect the theme in any way? Second, I have no idea how to get the navigation menu to drop down. I have several pages loaded under the programs/gear tab but it will not operate as a drop down navigation. Sorry for these simple questions, I am so lost at this point. Thanks for your time and other than these issues I am really enjoying your theme.
Hai. Unfortunately. this theme is not tested on Safari browser. The featured content slider can be setup inside the theme option and you can define your own image by using custom field, please refer to the readme.txt.
Also, this theme top page navigation menu is not designed to have child page dropmenu. It only show top level/parent navigation items. Thanks.
its very cool
thank you …
Do you have a tutorial on how to publish your free WP themes?
Do you mean how to use or activate the theme on your wordpress? If yes, it’s simple. Just download the theme, unzip and ftp upload the darkhive theme folder into your wp-content/themes/* and then go to the wp-admin > appearance > themes and activate it.
If you meant by releasing or distributing it on your website, just download the original zip file from this site, remember not to remove any of the footer links or else the theme will not be functional. Thanks.
Another GREAT theme! I notice all the themes are tested on Firefox and IE. Do/will you test on Chrome as well??
Hai. Sorry, we’ll only be testing our themes on FF and IE at the moment.
Thanks Ronald……one last question: With the “featured content slider”, is there a way to put buttons so that users scan manually scroll through the featured stories? (instead of having to wait for the rotation to finish)
Yes. You can your own button image by setting it up inside the gallery.css within the css folder.
css you need to edit are:
.jdGallery a.left
* html .jdGallery a.left
.jdGallery a.right
* html .jdGallery a.right
Replace the background img url with your own image buttons. Thanks.
Thanks for the follow up. When you say “replace”, i’m guessing that means there should be buttons CURRENTLY in the slider?? When viewing the demo or after activating it on my site, I don’t see any buttons by default. Am I missing something?
Yes, I didn’t put the ‘img’ folder inside the css folder, you should create one inside the css folder and put the button images inside it, then edit the css code mentioned above.
Got it! Thanks!
How can i make my Header FULL Size and elimanate that BANNER.. i already have my header on my website but is half size and that other banner is taking another half size…
see it @ www.vainabakana.com/wordpress
Hai, Jan. You can do that by adjusting the css between siteinfo and topbanner. Please open style.css
Adjust the css on #siteinfo and #topbanner to:
#siteinfo {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
float: both;
height: auto;
width: 100%;
display: block;
#topbanner {
display: none;
ok, i got it thanks another Question.. how can i align it to that center..!!
I LOVE this template. However I’m having a few problems. THis is a music blog and I need to post Site Name tags like that, but when I post it, it’s not a link unless you click readmore, is there a way around this? Please let me know. Thanks again this is an amazing template
Sorry. Since the theme use auto excerpt mode on home posts, any links you put on the post will become unactive, but it will only be shown as active link on single page post.
I installed the theme properly yet I just have a white screen. Any ideas on how to fix this. thanks
Hai Chris. Please download the theme directly from Magpress.com and reinstalled it.
Regarding the featured content slider….Is there a way to change the “featured number” to a different maximum amount? I see the call to the function but I’m looking for the function itself to edit and can’t find it.
Please open the functions.php, scroll down until you see:
$number_entries = array(“Number of post:”,”1″,”2″,”3″,”4″,”5″,”6″,”7″,”8″,”9″,”10″);
you can add more after the 10 i.e “20”,”30″
Ronald, thanks for all the help you have given on this and other themes. I have and will continue to recommend your site to everyone I know!
I uploaded the theme but I am not getting the same results. On my page headings e.g. home, about contact etc I do not see the black background as you have behind your Featured News above.
I cant see this in the template options. Can you let me know what I need to do to invoke these backgrounds please.
Hai, David. Are you saying about the the main background of the theme or the featured slider itself? By default, the featured content slider is disable and you need to enable it on theme options and choose category to display on it,
As soon As I’ve installed this theme, I opened the New Posts window, and this message appeared:
Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/offms01/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/darkhive/functions.php on line 483
Could you tell me how to fix it?
I’m using WordPress 2.9.2
Hai. Try opening the functions.php and look for below lines of code then delete it:
if(function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’)) {
add_filter(‘get_comments_number’, ‘comment_count’, 0);
function comment_count( $count ) {
global $id;
$comments_by_type = &separate_comments(get_comments(‘post_id=’ . $id));
return count($comments_by_type[‘comment’]);
Thx, the problem ended as soon as I updated my PHP from version 4.4.4 to 5.2.
Now the only problem I’ve found is that I can´t run the Featured content gallery. It just show me a blank space under the title “Featured News”.
Any idea?
Please make sure you have more than 1 post on the category you choose to feature. Thanks.
Another problem it won’t work in IE. Just check it:
Try disabling your nextgen gallery plugin.
cool theme. I really love it. I grab it one as my collection.thanks mate
hello, very nice theme.
question: what code are you using to get the size and shape of the google adsense in the theme example? i cannot seem to get my adsense to look as nice as yours.
sorry, i am referring to the adsense ads in posts
I’m using:
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
google_ad_format = “468x60_as”;
google_ad_type = “text”;
google_color_border = “FFFFFF”;
google_color_bg = “FFFFFF”;
google_color_link = “993300”;
google_color_text = “000000”;
google_color_url = “000000”;
Nice themes … thanks it good premium themes that sharing for free.
This is a great theme! On my testsite my embedded videos turn into a picture of 3 Chinese persons? Is there any solution to this?
Hai. Embedded video thumbnail is not extractable by timthumb script, that’s why it will only use the default thumb.
Dammit…it´s a great theme :/
I have uploaded a featured image and its not loading. I have tried the commands of feat-img and feat-cat-img and get nothing.
Thumbnails work fine.
Whats going wrong?
Hi, I find this interesting, I will have to try your information
This theme is absolutely amazing.Thank you for designing such a wonderful theme.
I am trying to install and geting this…
Incompatible archive PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Thanks in advance
I would like to change the code of the banner in the header to my adsense code. How can I do this?
They are fantastic! I was actually just looking a few of these earlier today.
Excellent themes. Thanks!
I am curious on how to change the cropping method in your hacked version timthumb. right now it crops from top center I would like it to crop from the left i see the hack in the script i just don’t know how to make it active. so that it will crop from the area
thanks in advance
I believe there’s an option to do that inside the theme options where you can choose to your prefer cropping method. Please check it out.
thankz for you theme~that was cool!
can u tell me the “share and enjoy” button where get from
or email to tell me how to put in pages
thant was pretty
Hai. Just google for “sexybookmark plugin” and you’ll find it.
Regardless, it is always good for getting an outsider’s perspective in web design. We are looking outward, from inside. Yet, our work has been intended for people who were from outside, but rarely have a time to “look in”. So being able to view how they see is worth our time. Too cool, I like them, thank you!
Hi, for some reason comments stay disabled for some reason and I wanna make it so ppl can leave comments.
Please check your comment setting, you might setup to allow registered member to post only.
Hi Ronald..
Glad to find your great WP themes..I can reach here because of one of Mashable’s post..:D
Here I wanna ask one question for you:
I want to change post amounts which appears in homepage (index). How can I change it?
I didn’t find code in which posts_per_page can be changed..
Thanks Ronald..
Best Regard from Indonesia
Hai. The simplest way to change it is by going to wp admin > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most, change the number and save it.
Hi enjoying this template on this end… One question, the featured slider is displaying every word with a cap. Tried to fix that in the functions.php but can`t seem to find the bugger. Can you pls help me out on this issue?
Hai. Try opening the gallery.css inside the css folder and look for .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p, then adjust it to none or just delete the line. Thanks.
i like it nice theme
good thanks theme
I have it, and love it. Wish I had the skills to make one like this….kudos
My main page shows my posts and a picture from each post.
However my first posts pictures are linked and this seems to stop the picture from showing up.
Is there another way to add the picture to the post on the home page?
You can see my problem by visiting my site.
Hai. I can see the picture and post there. Please check back again.
I use the darkhive theme on my website and the white background of the posts and the sidebar is no longer appearing. What is happening?
If you visit my site, you will see the problem.
If only want one or two adds how do I keep the other 125×125 boxws from showing up? The tools say to leave blank but the empty boxes still show up.
hi open sponsor.php and replace the all the code with http://pastebin.com/3JAtpaYH
this is a very,best,beter,good
Very nice layout…I want to have a scrolling/slider feed with ESPN sports headlines. How do I do that?
sorry, this theme did not had this rss feed slider features.
your all theme all too good , but prblam with me on my theme Cabinstock, when i somebody share any post on facebook, theme not give post tumb.. plz help me .
the theme built-in fb og:meta (images) will auto fetch the ‘featured images’ attach to a post. so make sure you have featured images on each posts.
wait..are you refering to darkhive or cabinstock theme?
hi there, i’ve got a question about the advertising banners on the side. the preconfigured size is 125 x 125. Is it possible to modify the size of the banners to other sizes? I would need banner sizes of 150×250 or 150×600 where can i alter this?
hi roly, the banner size are pre-set. try using text widget instead.