Fossile WordPress theme is a 2 columns fixed width CSS3/HTML5 Responsive WP template by This theme has theme options, featured content and categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, CSS3, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Featured Images, Fixed Width, Full Width Template, HTML5, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Twitter Ready, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready
Really . Very Good Theme . i try it now
hi there its nice looking theme but one problem i found in it
when press like button it will not attach any post image for facebook
how can i solve this issue
please visit
to check it by yourself
hi atlaf
currently it had httpxx://
this for fb:image. you need to attach a featured images for each posts so the facebook thumbnail to work
how can i remove this code from theme ? i want to use wp plugin for open graph.?
your code is giving me what i want so please tell me how to remove this.
open lib/functions/theme-functions.php line 54 and comment the code like this
//add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘insert_fb_in_head’, 5 );
thanks for reply now i think all ok
one more question how can i add navigation on single post without using any plugin?
hi atlaf, not sure what you meant? navigation are on all pages already i presumed:)
Love the theme. How do I go about making the thumbnail image link to the post.
open index.php and edit this code line 39
[php]<?php echo get_featured_post_image("<div class=’post-thumb’>", "</div>", 200, 170, "alignleft", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?> [/php]
[php]<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php echo get_featured_post_image("<div class=’post-thumb’>", "</div>", 200, 170, "alignleft", "medium", ‘image-‘.get_the_ID() ,get_the_title(), false); ?></a> [/php]
Thank you, worked perfect.
How do I remove social icons that I don’t use?
do you mean all social icon or just a few? if all, open sidebar.php and delete this line
[php]<aside class="widget">
<h3 class="widget-title"><?php _e(‘Stay Update:’,TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?></h3>
<?php get_template_part( ‘lib/templates/social-box’ ); ?>
</aside> [/php]
if only the chosen one, open lib/templates/social-box.php and delete which you do not want.
Thank you for the help. That worked. Found another issue. When I post a Youtube or another kind of video. I get no video thumbnail on the main page. The video does display on the post page.
hello, i love the theme i just have a litte problem with my Gallery Slider, i choose a Featured Image for a post then i added into the Featured Category, then when i refresh the page, appear the thumbnail image into the post, but its not appearing into the slider, the slider image is not appearing but the thumbnail into the post is, how can i fix this?
thanks for your time
is the slider config correctly, you need at least 2 post in slider for it to work properly.
Nice theme, i just installed yesterday on and looking great. Thank you so much.