Are you searching for news niche WordPress theme with adsense optimized ad placement? How about something like Huffingtonpost’s layout design? Well almost’s Huffie, a free responsive news WordPress theme with unlimited site color options, advertisement optimized location options, SEO Optimized post/page, schema markup microformat ready, Google web fonts built-in and did i mention, its unlimited color? Yes, you can easily customize your site appearance with the theme’s customizer for color and font options.
Working with content rich site is hard enough, don’t waste your time looking for the suitable theme, you should focus on writing, let this theme help you customize your own site styling without hiring developer to make it for you.
Responsive web design is one of the hot topic in mobile world. People using their phone to browse website or work are increasing years after years. That’s why it is crucial to have a responsive theme for your WordPress site to prevent mobile users from leaving your site when the layout break in mobile views.
Here are the theme main features
Unlimited Color Options
You can edit your main navigation and links color via customizer->colors
Mobile Responsive Friendly

With the increase of mobile usage in today society, having a mobile responsive theme is a necessity to value your website visitors. Google also favor ‘mobile-friendly’ site when ranking the search engine results.
Built in Schema Markup
Google consider snippet or schema markup as ranking factor, the theme also had built in schema markup options if you really want to boost your website search engine micro-data visibility.
Built-in Google Web Fonts
You can choose from more than 700+ custom Google Web Fonts from the Google font directory. Customize how your site typography look are now easier with simple choose and click in theme’s customizer->theme options->fonts.
Full Features
[list type=”check”]
- Logo and Fav icon setting in customizer->site identity
- Microformat ready for Google snippet
- Post and Breadcrumbs Schema for prettier search structure in SERP
- Built in social sharing buttons
- 700+ Google Web Fonts to choose from
- Homepage Bottom Footer featured category or posts
Customizer->theme options->home->choose to featured by category id or post id
- Google or any embed advertisement code in top header, post loop, sidebars and single post
- Custom widget – recent post with thumbnail, popular post with thumbnail, featured posts with category and Custom Post Type widgets
- BuddyPress, BBPress and Woocommerce support
- Localization Ready ( mo and po file inside language folder )
Still looking for more responsive WordPress theme? Checkout more Responsive WordPress Themes from MagPress.

love it so much..i’ve install it on my own tech site
with some minor customization though…. 🙂
hope you guys enjoy the theme too.
How did you edit the footer?
what kind of edit?
I liked the feature of built in schema markup. It reduces the manual work or any 3rd party plugin load on our website. I will surely recommend this theme to my manager for future ventures.
Thank you
Can we manually edit huffie theme? after install to a WordPress platform? I love so much huffie. Is there any discount available for huffie?
yes, the huffie theme is customizable via wp-admin->customize
If there weren’t a huffie in the top left, I would think this was Huffington post website. Excellent template. I think I’m going to consider getting this template when I start creating my blogs. Keep making great themes!
Great job on this Huffington Post theme. I really like how easy it is to customize color schemes, etc. I’m going to keep it in mind for a future project.
how do i center the menu and also the logo? and i want to remove the search bar.
add this to customizer->theme options->cusotm css
[css]#header .search-form {display:none;}
#header #siteinfo {margin:0 auto;float:none;width:100%;text-align:center;}[/css]
Hi, the search bar is gone but the logo and menu is still to the left. It did not move to the center.
try add this
#siteinfo img {display:block;margin:0 auto;float:none;}
Didn’t work either… Please try again.
hard to check without live site.
It’s okay, one last thing. How do I add Ads in between the post of each category like the example above.
I see it says “photos” “gadgets ” and then there’s an add there.
its in the customizer->theme options->advertisement->loop one and two
Nice, thank you. I also notice that Huffington post only displays the title and not the summary of the text. However this theme shows the summary. I can’t find an option to show the title only
try add to custom css
body.home .post-content { display:none; }
hi dude
i like your huffie theme ,i have been searching for how i can have a blog with huffington post sytle for years but the search is over with huffie.
But within the huffie theme,is there a way with a click of botton to remove/switch off the post author,date,comment counts and percept at the home page ?so that it will just finish work like the current huffington post website?.
But one can only see the author,date,comment counts when one finally click the link and arrive at the main post.
try add this to custom css
[css].entry-meta {display:none;}
.post-single .entry-meta {display:inline !important;}[/css]
where is the theme options???
no theme option, only wp-admin->customizer
Hi , I love this theme very much.
May i know how to
1. remove “Follow us” when browsed with mobile
2. rearrange the post block layout. the image just upon the text , not at right hand side currently…
Many thanks for the help
1. add this to customizer->theme option->custom css
[css]@media only screen and (max-width:770px) { .follow-text { display:none; } }[/css]
2. do you mean you need them on right side? if right side
[css].content-area .post-thumb {float: left;}
.content-area .post-wrapper {margin: 0 0 0 220px;}[/css]
It works perfectly! Thanks
And I would know how to let the text in nav menu to align to center as well.
Really Thanks for your kindly help.
I just work it out. 🙂
.primary-nav {display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
-webkit-flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-wrap: wrap;
-webkit-align-content: center;
align-content: center;}
Hi Ronald,
I am now facing another problem .
When I click a pot. The post detail cannot be displayed. only the title was displayed. the content area shows nothing.
How can i debug?
Many Thanks
I just solve the problem, just because my silly css styling
Hello. Please, tell me how to edit footer. Add text there and add the year the site started. Thanks.
Help me, please. Hello, tell me how to edit footer. Add text there and add the year the site started. Thanks.
Hey man! Love the theme. How do I go on about adding different social media links in the header? There’s the RSS feed logo, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. I want Instagram on there & I’ve checked the source code and can’t find the place where you call for the logo. I wouldn’t mind replacing the Google+ logo with the Instagram one.
What do I do? Thanks in advance.
try add this to functions.php
function mp_huf_add_insta() {
echo "<p><a target=\"_blank\" title=\"Subscribe to our instagram\" class=\"fa fa-instagram\" href=\"\"> </a></p>";
add_action( ‘mp_inside_social_box’, ‘mp_huf_add_insta’);
Thank you!
Hi there! It’s me again. Thanks for your recent response. Love the theme.
If I want to make a page that includes both sidebars, and edit it through Elementor, what do I do? The blog template can’t be edited through Elementor, and the default template only includes the right sidebar.
Thanks in advance!
not quite sure if elementor can be use that way. anyway if you want left sidebar on pages. open functions.php and add this right after the opening ?php
function frkw_add_pages_sidebars() {
global $in_bbpress, $bp_active;
if(!is_404() && !is_attachment() && !is_page_template( ‘templates/full-width.php’ )) {
if( ($bp_active == ‘true’ && function_exists(‘bp_is_blog_page’) && !bp_is_blog_page() ) || (function_exists(‘frkw_is_woocommerce_page’) && frkw_is_woocommerce_page() ) || ($in_bbpress == ‘true’) || is_single() ) {
} else {
and then add this to style.css
[php] #single-content {
margin: 0 330px 0 230px;
Where exactly should I add the PHP code in the functions.php file? I can’t see the ‘opening’ you’re referring to. Thanks again!
It worked! Thanks!
right after the top ?php then add the code.

Hi there! Quick question: how do I go about choosing what category of articles go up in the top of the homepage? I’m simply using the homepage provided by the theme, but can’t replicate it using any visual editors. I’d like for posts of a certain category to be placed in the top (so it’s not the latest one, but the latest one where the category is, for example, Featured.
And then the posts below it should just continue (excluding the one in the top).
Is that possible?
if you mean the top featured block (big image) then…
choose the wp-admin->customizer->theme options->home, and add the category id.
Thanks for your reply. It’s not working for some reason. After updating, nothing happens — the same article (the latest one) stays on there, even though it’s not in that category. I’m using the category ID.