Treeview WordPress theme has a 4 columns homepage and 2 columns innerpage layout. This Responsive WordPress theme is CSS3/HTML5 compatible and has featured slider and categories, Adsense ready, etc.

Tags: Adsense Ready, Black, CSS3, Custom Background, Custom Header, Custom Menu, Featured Content, Fixed Width, Four Columns, Full Width Template, HTML5, Responsive, Right Sidebar, Sidebar Footer, Theme Options, Threaded Comments, Two Columns, White, Widget Ready
Can I change the sidebar width?
sure, open lib/styles/base.css line 689+ and find the css
#right-sidebar {
float: right;
width: 30%;
padding: 0%;
chnage the width: 30%; to any width you want on precentage, also remember to change the .content width also to match fit.
it sames there are image sliders in home page, can i deleted it in the theme editor?
you can just disable the slider in theme options.
Hi, can you help me!?
Media files are not inside of Meta-tags ( this is on evry page and google for some reason has not indexed images. Can you help me to fix this bug!!!!???
hi, the meta tag are for the facebook open graph og:image tag.
when you are on homepage for post/page that do not have featured images set, it will use the noimage.png file.
not sure if google will index the facebook open graph images tho 😉
i like this but ,my friend told me if premium template and it’s free is dangerous
so can i trust this?
its not dangerous since all internal link are google friendly and no dangerous injection code.
it is safe to install and if you have ever needed a “no-links” clean sidebar/footer version, you can always
purchase our developer version that come with lifetime update and support.
great theme! I just want to know how to remove the margin on top of the header. thanks!
open lib/styles/base.css line 540 and edit this code
[php]#wrapper-main {
float: left;
margin: 2em 0 0;
width: 100%;
edit to
[php]#wrapper-main {
float: left;
margin: 0em;
width: 100%;
good theme, and good AD placements on it, i will be usisng it, thanks
Hello! I loved your theme Treeview… I want to buy the developer license, but how do I place a 468×60 banner at the top? Thank you! Carlos Alberto
Where can I change the Search box text?
in lib/functions/theme-function.php
look for something like this
[php]<?php _e(‘Type and Press Enter’, TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?>[/php]
How can I set a banner after the article in a single page? I put in he single page, but it appeares in the right sidebar.
there are 3 advertisment embed in theme option. post loop, post single and sidebar. make sure you save the correct one.
Hi all, how to change a font on Site Title & Tagline?
try adding this to style.css
[php]#custom #siteinfo h1 { font-family: ‘Georgia’, serif !important; }
#custom #siteinfo p { font-family: ‘Tahome’, sans-serif !important; }[/php]
you need to change to your own font of course. cheers
hello , how can i change/remove “Archive Text from tag pages” it looks dirty , thank you
open archive.php line 15 comment out the code like this
[php]<?php /* if( !is_home() ) { get_template_part( ‘lib/templates/headline’ ); } */ ?>[/php]
hi i’m using this theme on my three website and i want to remove that Bird image that always showing while loading website, any safe way to remove that bird image?
hi you can use dashboard->appearence->custom background and remove/clear background image or add this to style.css
body { background: #eee none !important; }
Great work you are doing here.
Please i want to ask. How do i put a specific category in Gallery Slider Settings. because I do not understand the example. “example: 3,4,68”
go to wp-admin -> posts -> categories and hover over your category and look for tagID.
insert the tagID into the theme option category id field. you can insert only 1 category or multiple like 3,6,8
Good theme but i have a big problem : Second page of
search results returns 404 error !
are you using the version 1.1 of the treeview theme? it should already been fixed.
replace lib/templates/paginate.php and lib/functions/theme-functions.php from 1.1 if you’re using 1.0 version.
I’m using treeview 1.1 .
hi everything works fine in my end tho.
Use 2 words and more in the search
seem like some urlencode issue. will check them out. meanwhile here’s a quick fix. open lib/templates/paginate.php edit line 12
[php]<?php if( function_exists(‘custom_woo_pagination’) ) : ?> [/php]
[php]<?php if( function_exists(‘custom_woo_pagination’) && !is_search() ) : ?>[/php]
Thank you ,Problem solved
The same problem in
Hello, How to remove “Theme Credits”. Pls help!!!
hi you can use the developer purchase license to remove the theme credit.
Hello Ronald. Love the theme. Just wanted to ask (bear with me, I am a newbie) if it is possible to change the height of the header and how to take off the shadow of the container? I want to give a more newspaper feeling to it. Last but not least, is it possible to change the dimensions of the slider? I have no clue about code but I will follow instructions 🙂 Sorry for so many questions.
Kindest regards
hi expresso, the header are flexible so any height will be fine. @shadow-remove – open lib/styles/base.css and edit line 639+
[css]#bodywrap #bodycontent {
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #333333; /* remove this */
float: left;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
Thanks Ronald. Really apreciated! Just a small thing. What I have there is a bit different. I did the changes and it looks like this:
#bodywrap #bodycontent {
margin:0; padding:0;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #333; /* remove this */
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px #333; /* remove this */
I have changed it but it still has the shadow. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I had to change via ftp because I cant acess this in the Wp Admin.
hi you need to remove this in css
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #333; /* remove this */
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px #333; /* remove this */
Facebook Like is not working please can you help me to fix it
Facebook Like is not working
Facebook Like is not working please can you help me to fix it
did you save your user opengrah id?
Hello! How do I make the images in the homepage have the original proportion of height/width? Thank you.
you can’t, it will overflow the box, thats why there’s limit to image height.
Is that possible that the home and category page show just two articles instead of tree?
no, the layout were built for 3 grid.
The theme is fantastic. But to me there is a problem I can not solve: The feed is always shown in the summary. Even with the wordpress set to display full.
How do I get the theme to display the full feed?
(via google translate)
add this to functions.php
remove_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'get_rss_feed_post_thumbnail');
remove_filter('the_content_feed', 'get_rss_feed_post_thumbnail');
It worked perfectly. Thank you very much. Full of achievements for you a year.
(via google translate)
Where can I rewrite the comment text into my language?
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that’s a wp core comment_form(). check wp forum for fliter solution, can’t help you with this.
Hi, I need a hand please. I have 2 posts in the same category (site is new). Only the second one is showing in the sliding banner. Can anyone help, please> I’m not sure if its OK to give the link here but maybe an admin can check, its in my name
you need to attach image in featured image when write post.
hello ronald thanks for the reply. i did add featured images to both posts. take a peak at the blog please and look at the onlky 2 posts in there. if i delete 2nd post, the first one is showing in the slider. but if i add the second one,it looks like it is replacing the first one in the slider. it’s like one or the other heh..
you need at least 2 posts for the slider to work. try maybe 3 posts and see if the slider image showup will work.
hello, ronald. turns out it doesn’t. i already had 2 posts when i posted the problem. now i have 3 of them, yet teh first one s still not showing up. any other ideas? i checked it again and it does have a featured image.
open lib/sliders/sslider.php and edit line 38 and 62
[code lang=”js”]<?php $post_count++; endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>[/code]
[code lang=”js”]<?php $post_count++; endwhile; echo ‘<li class="sliderImage"></li>’; wp_reset_query(); ?>[/code]
that should fix it.
line 38 was already like that. line 62 was replaced, but they still show up only 2. im waiting to get to 6 posts, maybe then the first one is gone and there will no longer be problems, so the slider will only display the last 5. i really find it very frustrating. thanks anyway
are you sure? there should be 4 block (extra 1 that empty) but i only see 3 block in html source.
thats because i saw it didnt work, so i reedited the file back. give me a few more days and ill see if the first post is gone once i reach to 6 posts (i only set the slider for 5).. maybe its just something with that post
hello, ronald, it seems other posts have the same issues. can you please take a look? i have added those changes, so they should show up.
as for the theme settings, the “enable” box is ticked. Categories ID : 1,2,3 (only have 3 categories)…. Limit to how many posts : 5….and Posts Id is empty… any other ideas?
hey ronald. i have re-edited that file again (line 38 was as you said, and the other one was modified). turns out it still wont work. please take a look if you can, thanks
are you sure? i still did not see an empty
[php]<li class="sliderImage"></li>[/php]
in your html source.
if you have 4 posts in sliders, there should be an extra empty li without any code in it.
i see all your li sliderimage had image and link code.
try pastebin your lib/sliders/sslider.php. clear any cache also.
here it is, ronald :
i have just changed those 2 lines that you said, line 38 was already there, line 62 was modified. let me know that you think. thanks a lot for your time!
as expected you missed the feat category edit, line 38 should be the same as line 62, like below
[code lang=”js”]<?php $post_count++; endwhile; echo ‘<li class="sliderImage"></li>’; wp_reset_query(); ?>[/code]
Thanks Ronald! I must say tht I have never seen a free program (like the theme i didnt buy yet) to provide such a prompt and effective customer service, not ot mention about the patience with noobs like me. things like these make us buy/donate. great job and thank you very much!
I have below doubts…i am New for word press…
Kindly let me know which part i need to modify for below ones.
1) I want to change color of Header, footer
2) I want to create thembnail slider, exactly below of Menu bar.
3)Want to remove calender
4) Want to change width of the post (OR) each portfolio box width. Want to remove Date, comments, category
5)trying to place border for each post/ portfolio item.
this is a customization question which the free theme did not provide.
I have two questions.
How to remove the headers and the first social icons and search box?
2 I bought from you in the template, it says the admin panel:Note: This free version contained advertisement and sponsored links. If you’re interested in purchasing a developer’s license for this theme.
please go to this DEVELOPER LICENSE PURCHASE PAGE. Thanks.
hi Gálicz Attila, please use the support forums for any question in future. thx
@your question
are you sure you want to remove the header? it will leave some space and the site title will not be show. the social button on top and search box will dissapeared if you have ‘top advertisement’ saved in theme options.
try re-download the dev version again, and replace lib/functions/option-functions.php only.
I’m sorry that I asked the question here!
The second question could, thanks