3 Tips to Make Your Website More Interactive

Image: techwant.com
Running a business can be a difficult thing to do when there is a lot of competition around. The easier it is to start a business, particularly an online one, the more competition there will be, and the harder business owners will need to work.
This might feel daunting, but there are many ways that this can be done. One of the easiest is ensuring that your website is interactive so that visitors to your site can discover all the information they need, and even enjoy the experience of buying from you. Here are some useful tips to make your website more interactive and to ensure that customers return time and again.
1. Social Media
To be a successful business, you need to embrace the world of social media and have at least one account on a social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Your customers are likely to have a social media account, and if you are there with them, they can more easily interact with you, plus the more you use this platform, the more people will come across your business who might not have done so before.
If you can link your website with your social media pages, then you will automatically make your website more interactive and user-friendly. It will be easier for visitors to find you, clicking through to your site from your social media page, for example, and you can quickly gain their attention and ideally make a sale.
2. Blog
Having a blog on your website is an excellent way to make it more interactive. It can be part of the initial web design, or it can be added later when you feel that you have enough information to make it interesting and informative. Just how, though, does a blog make your website more interactive for visitors? This is the crucial point: merely having a blog won’t make your site more interactive. If you just write posts and leave it at that, it will be as though you are talking at people and not listening to any of their responses (and this is bad for business).
To use your blog to make your website more interactive, you need to allow comments and discussion. What’s more, you need to get involved in those discussions. Answer questions, take note of queries and criticism and be as engaging as you can. Doing so will make a big difference and will show that you are a business that wants to help and that has the answers. This kind of engagement on your blog (and on social media) is crucial.
3. Testimonials
Adding a page of testimonials on your website is another version of interactivity. It shows potential customers that others have been happy with your goods and services and that you are listening to them. It will offer the kind of feedback, advice, and reassurance that anyone who is thinking of buying from you needs and will boost sales. When there are so many different companies to choose from, and so many websites that all purport to do the same thing, adding this layer of interactivity can be what makes you stand out.