4 Useful Tips to Speed up Your Web Development
Do you sometimes wonder how some web developers seem to be a lot more productive than you are and are able to code and launch websites and apps much faster? As a developer time is never going to be on your side, but if you’re able to speed up your web development process then you can get more done during the time that you have.
If that’s your goal, then you’ll find these 4 tips extremely useful:
1. Plan your project and break it down
Rushing in and starting to code before you have a solid plan is never a good idea and you may end up having to rewrite code, or discard parts completely as a result. Instead, try to come up with a rough plan that breaks down your project into smaller parts. By doing so you’ll find the entire project to be much more manageable, and you can also identify ways that you can re-use code across certain parts to speed up your development further.
2. Don’t try to be perfect
Most web developers are perfectionists by nature – which very often results in delays. Think of your website or app as a constant work in progress, and so long as there are no critical errors or security issues just keep pressing forward. If you have time later on you can always go back and tweak or fix areas that you may not have been satisfied with initially.
3. Get used to using an Integrated Developers Environment (IDE)
One of the most important tools in any developer’s arsenal is a good IDE. Although every IDE tends to have a different set of features, as a whole they all aim to help make coding faster and more convenient – and can speed up the process considerably. Take a look at the top IDEs that are out there, and find one that supports the languages you’re using and has features you think you’ll need.
4. Learn how to sprint
Generally the fastest web developers are those who use mini-sprints to achieve their goals. Essentially all it involves is setting a prioritized set of goals and a fixed time frame in which you want to achieve them, and then focusing on them with zero distractions until you’re done. After every sprint you should evaluate how you did, and what you could have done better – as that will help you to improve further on your next sprint.
With the help of these tips you will find that you’re able to incrementally increase the speed of your web development. As with most things however it will take time to do so, and the more you code and become accustomed to the developmental process, the faster you’ll get.
It is important to note that there are constantly new tools out there that may be useful as well, and you should always be willing to give them a try. If you want to make sure that you are able to develop quickly, you need to be willing to adapt and evolve as you go along.