5 Proven Digital Coupon Marketing Strategies
For a long time, coupons have been an effective way to promote a brand, business or service. The basic idea behind a coupon is that your customers are guaranteed of buying products at discounted prices or more products for the same price. If it happens that your business still practices an old coupon marketing approach, now is the time to shift the digital gear.
Coupon marketing strategies have evolved from the limited spots in weekend newspapers and magazines. Instead, businesses have embraced digital coupons so that customers do not have to go through the hassle of carry paper slips around with them. Buyers can now use digital coupons that they can easily load on mobile phone apps. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can implement digital coupons to your business, bellow are some highly effective strategies that you can use to take full advantage of digital coupons.
1. Use Email Integrated Coupons
Let your digital coupons be easily assimilated with your clients’ email addresses to increase efficiency. This means you have to implement a system that catches their email addresses and stores them securely. This way, you can send them prompt updates on discounts and special offers. This effectively increases the chances of them making another purchase.
In addition to email integrated coupons, include a barcode that clients can scan on your POS system. There may be issues of scanners failing to identify barcodes when customers submit on their smart mobile devices. If this happens, have a code that the cashier at your store can configure when extending a discount to a customer.
2. Target Customers
New GPS technology allows you to track customers and know their physical locations. When you know those that are near or around your store, you can target them and convince them to pass by. It is fairly easy to assimilate geo-targeting strategies with your existing apps. Send prompt notifications to their phones when they approach your location.
The only drawback is the fact that customers may perceive these notifications as a bother. As humans are easily irritated, package the message in a way that will actually not cause a backlash. More importantly, give customers the freedom and ease to opt out of the program if they no longer desire the service.
3. Incorporate a Visually Impressive Content
The digital world allows companies and businesses to take advantage of colorful eye-catching infographics and content that attracts the eyes of a reader. Find a good graphic designer who can transform your coupons to professional appearance. Let the coupon have your business name, logo, product photos and wordings with visually impressive font.
Free online tools such as Free Coupon Maker can come in handy if you are operating on a shoestring budget. However, an in-house design is perhaps the best. Let your designer use leading software such as Photoshop. Avoid the careless use of color and font, as wise customers may perceive it as amateurish.
4. Collaborate with a Distributor
Online marketing sites such as Valpak, Yowza and discount codes at Plusvouchercode can help you direct your digital coupon material to their clients. As these tools know their client base, they can aim the coupons at those customers who are highly likely to use them.
Additionally, find a distributor who can integrate digital coupons with Google Wallet. When customers attain a specified checkout status at our store, they can click on “Save Offer to Google” and take advantage of their loyalty.
5. Text Message Marketing
Consider giving a special offer to customers who send a text message to a certain number. This is a simple way of collecting people’s contacts. You can send texts to these numbers in the future when you have an offer or discount. Let the customers have a notion of exclusivity, that they are the only people who can benefit from periodic offers.
Ensure that the texts do not annoy clients who subscribed to the SMS list. At the same time, let there be an option for them to opt out if they feel that the texts are intrusive. More importantly, send texts for highly valued offers only, bearing in mind that many mobile phone subscribers often have monthly limits of incoming texts.
Whenever you engage your customers on an online conversation, send them the coupon. This can be effective for customers enquiring about your products on email. Incorporate Facebook and Twitter buttons or a one-click mechanism for people to share across different platforms.
Encourage customers to share digital coupons with their friends and family as you provide an extra advantage for people who share most coupons. After some time, measure the efficiency of your digital coupon marketing strategies and capitalize on the most effective.