How to Choose and Maximize a Niche in Blog Posts
If you blog it they will come. Right? Well, not necessarily. The web is teeming with unvisited blogs churning away with little effect. How do you make sure that you money blog ends up among the top finance blogs? The only way to get things moving is to work work work. You’ve got to create content constantly, and of a certain quality. Will this guarantee you success? Nope, it’s still a gamble, but you’ll be a lot closer. You can get yourself a lot closer by researching the niche you plan to occupy. There’s an angle you can find, like a gaff in a carnival game, that will make your content valuable, out of all that exists out there. Find a way to do this, and your blog will stand out in a big way.
One way to do this is to use Wordtracker to see how often people are making searches for topics related to your field. If you are writing a blog about trading, you might look up OptionsXpress to see how often the trading platform is searched for. More than 500, 1000, 10,000? The higher the number, the more interest it holds, making it a great thing to write about to generate traffic for your site and bump you up higher in Google search results. Using the features on wordtracker, you’ll be able to find related search terms that may actually perform a lot better than the ones you came up with off the top of your head.
Did you know that case matters in search results? That’s right. That means OptionsXpress is a different search query than optionsxpress. You need to identify the most sought after terms, case specific, in order to make your posts pay off. When Google’s trackers find these specific terms contained in your blog posts, it will carry you a little higher in search results. If you have a mountain of content, all complete with the most relevant search queries, your blog will perform very well indeed.
So my basic recommendation is this: pick a niche you know a lot about. What are you an expert in? What can you talk about for hours? Now use tools like the ones I’ve laid out above to find out how people search for the topic you know about. What are they interested in specifically? How do they phrase their search queries? Cover these topics in your posts and use the specific search phrases often, but naturally within your post. This is the heart of search engine optimization. The ideal post will contain the phrases, and be a piece of quality on its own. Some people do the former while ignoring the latter, but their blogs suffer once someone tries to read the stuff they put out. Whatever you decide to do, you now know more than most bloggers. Now you have to fight to be the best, and that takes time, money, and commitment. But you have what it takes.