The Debate is Dead: Reasons Digital and Traditional Media Can Rule the Marketing World Together
When you are promoting your business, there are so many conflicting ideas about marketing out there that you may not know how to go about it. Some people say to stick with traditional marketing, while others swear by the newer digital trends. Which one’s right?
In today’s business world, they both are.
There’s no need to separate traditional marketing from digital. Both offer great ways to reach your customer base and increase your return on investment. When preparing a marketing plan for your business, think about these key points about combining traditional and digital marketing and you will see your customer base grow.
Stick With the Basics
Before you begin any marketing campaign, remember the basics of marketing and what you want to accomplish.
The reason your company exists is to satisfy the needs of your customers, and the most important reason you market your products is to let your customers know that you can just that. Use your marketing research to learn what those needs are and aim to drive the message home that you can satisfy those needs better than your competition.
After you know what your customers want, then create a marketing plan that will get your message out. At this point, you can buy television and radio ads, use your mailing software to generate mailers and newsletters and create new content for your website. This way, you will spread your message through multiple channels.
Create Active and Passive Content
Traditional marketing — mailers, billboards, television ads — are generally considered passive: that is, the customer reads or listens to your message and absorbs it without any interaction on their part. Digital marketing, on the other hand, can actively target and engage your customer base. Combining active and passive content can keep your customers happy.
Use traditional marketing to initially get your message out there, and then add to it with digital marketing techniques like polls and posting content on your website that your customers can comment on. This will keep your customers interested in your brand and, if you do it correctly, can help grow your base and increase your revenue.
Make Your Message Personal
Today’s customers don’t want to be talked at like faceless masses. They want to feel a connection with the brands they choose to use, and you will be doing your company a disservice if you don’t try to leverage this fact to your advantage.
Many customers want to know what your brand philosophies are. When your philosophy lines up with your customers, they are more likely to keep coming back. Both traditional and digital marketing offer a chance to connect with your customers, whether through inventive television or magazine ads or a series of blog posts. Just make sure that your marketing message is consistent through all platforms, and your customers are sure to connect with it
There’s no need to separate traditional and digital marketing anymore. Make them work together to build your customer base.
Natasha Bolton, or Tasha as she prefers to be known, is a recent graduate who landed herself a job at a marketing company in London. She writes about marketing methods, her articles appearing on business blogs.