Top 3 Reasons You Should Use Node.js
Do you know how many world-famous applications have become successful thanks to Node.js?
Starting from PayPal, through Trello, LinkedIn, Mozilla, GoDaddy, Uber, to Netflix – all of these companies’ servers are built on Node.js servers. And these servers allow them to be user-friendly and flexible to use what has contributed significantly to their worldwide success.
Let’s then look closer at the top 3 reasons why you should use Node.js and use services of a top-notch Node.js development company or implement Node.js into your company.
Reason #1 Scalability and high-quality
Node.js is built upon the V8 runtime of Google Chrome and written in C++ (designed for various operating systems). Node.js developers implement updates both to Node and V8 with regularity in order to optimize performance, improve security patches and speed or add support for state-of-the-art JavaScript features.
Moreover, Node.js is a single-threaded language utilizing numerous threads in the background to run asynchronous code. Such architecture allows developers to manage and operate on various connections concurrently and efficiently at the same time.
All these features allow Node.js developers:
- to deploy Node applications with ease and speed,
- to optimize and monitor Node applications after deployment.
Therefore, you can enjoy high-quality applications with all the latest updates, great speed and high quality which will assist you in attracting customers and growing your business.
Reason #2 High-quality and straightforward JavaScript
Another crucial reason behind the huge popularity of Node.js is using JavaScript which is a high-quality programming language known for being an object-oriented one used for creating top-notch dynamic websites.
Over the last few years, JavaScript has made itself a reputation of being a top-end programming language recognized all over the world that can be easily learnt even by beginner-level developers.
Therefore, while implementing Node.js, it is not necessary to go through complex syntax learning and ambiguous procedures. The learning process is carefree and rapid, which makes it a time-saving option.
Obviously, the easiest way to go is to hire a Node.js development company, but even if you opt for an in-house option, it is still not rocket science and not an arduous process.
Reason #3 High productivity
Last but not least, Node.js development involves cross-functional teams which allow to increase productivity and support team collaboration.
In Node.js development every team member is always engaged in the entire application development, not only chosen parts. It allows the whole community of backend and frontend developers, quality assurance experts and engineers to collaborate closely and constantly add value to resources in Node.js.
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Even if you don’t do Node.js development in-house, you can be sure that the final application is consistent as it is not broken into parts, but the whole team works on it as a whole trying to make it impeccable.
As you can see, Node.js is a high-quality platform that allows you to build successful applications and grow your business. Once you start to implement Node.js in your company, you have chances of expanding to such an extent like Netflix or LinkedIn, which can be a pretty legit business goal 😉
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