Using Feedback on Your Blog to Improve Business
Utilizing a blog to spice up a dry old business website is a wonderful way to engage potential customers. It allows business owners to talk about issues relevant or even tangential to the business in question. And it also gives them an opportunity to show a little personality, which makes customers who read it feel like they know them. There are really aren’t any downsides to a well-written, well-executed blog, and that’s not even getting into how it can impact SEO.
But just simply writing a blog and letting it sit there on the site isn’t enough to make it truly effective. It’s important to follow up on the feedback that you, the business owner, are getting on it. That not only means following up any comments made about the topics, questions about things that were mentioned, or even complaints. It also means analyzing the data that’s available to you and turning that information into positive business initiatives.
The blog needs to come in the service of an effectively-rendered website, or else it can’t really make the impact that you might desire. Then it’s a matter of following up on the feedback to really make it hit the target. Here are some of the ways that might happen.
Use the Analytical Tools
Analytical information is easily available to business owners in terms of their website, often for very little to no cost. Big Data analytics has transformed the game plan for small businesses everywhere, so you’re falling behind if you’re not using it. Finding out how each blog post hits your target audience and what kind of driver it is for sales is crucial. It will also demonstrate if your keywords are doing the SEO job you desire them to do. The numbers are there for you; you just have to follow them to their logical conclusions.
Answer the Mail
It’s important that you as a business owner provide some outlet for your customers to respond to what you’re writing on the blog. Giving them the chance to comment will make them feel like it’s not a one-sided relationship. Using this feedback, as well as whatever comes in on social media, will help you to address where the blog might be lacking. By contrast, it will also help you emphasize its strengths.
The Information Chain
Getting the feedback and analyzing it is a great start for small business owners to undertake. The next step is passing it down the chain to each branch of your company. They also have to know how to implement what they’ve learned, whether they’re out making sales or even doing the hiring of new workers. This kind of knowledge-sharing is integral to turning the feedback and data into results that help the bottom line of a business.
Remember that your blog should be providing you with information on your customers just as the customers are getting information on you. It makes for a full circle that can propel your business to the next level of success.