3 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Blog Traffic
Do you struggle to increase your blog’s traffic but unable to nail the right strategy? Well, we have listed below not just one but three simple strategies that will not just aid in boosting your website’s traffic but also sustain it for a long time.
1. Restructure Your Old Posts
Most people who maintain blogs only focus on generating new posts and totally ignore their old posts, but in reality, those are the posts that have the ability to boost your website’s traffic. Remember that every article on your blog carries weight hence updating all your old posts is as important as generating new ones. If your old posts are about evergreen topics, then you need not spend much time updating them but articles on certain topics may require time to time update which you should not ignore.
One of the best methods to know which post is not doing well is by checking the bounce rate of the post. If it is high, then you know the readers are not liking what they are reading. Similarly, check the comment section, if the engagement is low then it means that readers are not interested to engage with such content hence you will need to restructure it.
2. Focus on Email Traffic Generation
Most marketers forget to use the most powerful and totally free marketing tool that will help you reach directly to your audience in seconds which is email. The email has been around for a long time and people from almost every generation know how to use it and with the increase in the use of smartphones; the emails reach the audience in seconds. If you can utilize this powerful tool, then increasing your blog’s traffic will become less challenging.
Most marketers complain that email marketing yields almost no results, the main reason is that they are not focusing on the right audience. Sending the same email to all your subscribers in the worst strategy as not everyone would be interested in the same topic hence make different email lists based on the gender, age, interests, and demographics of the audience and send separate relevant emails to each group. This will interest them more to engage with you for obvious reasons.
The next important strategy is to create specific landing pages for each email and not just add the link to the homepage as it is just going to waste the audiences time.
3. Twist Your Guest Blogging Strategy
There is a general misconception amongst digital marketers that guest blogging is not that useful SEO strategy, but the truth is that they do not know the right way of guest blogging. If you can find the right domain to guest post using Guest Post Service then it will definitely boost your website traffic. Posting on domains that have high domain authority is always preferable.
At last, being consistent is important to increase your blog traffic as irregular posts will bring down your website ranking which will in turn decrease blog traffic. Consistently posting good quality posts and updating old posts is essential to boost your websites’ conversion rate and increase the number of subscribers.
Photos courtesy of gettyimages.com

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